Art Opening
Nicole Thidodeau
“Water Exhibition”
Saturday October5th 5-7pm
Water: Forgiveness and Resilience
I listen to the birds, the water flowing over rocks. I stare at the water looking for my focus.
Mixing color, I create options for shadows, reflections, leaves, and sky.
Then I paint. Brush sliding over white board. What color is the sky reflected? What color is the root submerged in water? How do these leaves glow with their green light? I apply white highlights as reflections at last– shimmering.
I am, in many ways, treading water. I am catching my breath between one song and the next. Hardship lying behind me– the brush of a paddle against rapids keeps me afloat, aloft, ready for the next venture.
Artist Bio:
As the daughter of a painter and an actor (Karen Thibodeau), creativity was intertwined with early life for Nicole Thibodeau. She painted her way through a BA in Studio Art (Bethany College) and a MFA (Fort Hays State University). Further studies took her to the Art Students League (New York), Studio Art Centers International (Italy), and Lacoste School of the Arts (France). Currently, she lives in Taos, New Mexico where she paints outside and meets up with fellow artists in the Taos Artisan's Guild.
(All works are from this summer and completed in one sitting en plein air.)